Wow I haven't wrote anything new on here for so long. Well I had such a FUN summer! I made so many new friends! It's been great! I took a few trips around the state!! I got Brandt, Turpy and Myrt to come and stay at my house and we went to the Drive in!! Then we went horse riding and to the hot pots in Fillmore.. I actually went on a few horse rides this summer! They were fun!
I ate at Hooters for the first time when we sent mav off..! ha ha.. that was his choice! It was really fun though! I went to Blanding to play in a softball coed tourny and I was adopted into a Navajo family! I love them! Then from there I headed to Lake Powell and had such a blast just chillin and not having a sense of time! I went to St. George and played in a 2 night all nighter tourny! That was really fun! It was something that I had never done before! Myrt was there and we ended up losing to his team! L( It was perfect weather when we were playing and I actually rolled my ankle there for the first time ever. :*( ugh! That was no fun! It still hurts me!
The 24th of July was also another highlight! LOVE IT! I say it's my Christmas in the summer! I love the derby! I brought my navajo friend Trav and introduced him to the derby! he loved it! even though it's soo redneck! :) I even ran into Darrin a couple of times! I love this kid! :) And my old roommate Cassie took me to a Josh Turner concert up in Evanstan Wyoming! (Cassie is probably the most NON-country music fan) I'm so proud of her for going! She got the tickets for my birthday and it was sooooo much fun! And Josh Turner has such a sexy voice! Mmmm! This obviously isn't covering everything form the summer but a lot of it! I had a blast! I counted all the softball tourny's that I played in and I think it came to 9 or 10! This weekend I'm off to another one, the spanish fork all-nighter! I love coed! It's pretty much my life! I'm on 3 league teams! wowzars! I pay in Mt. Pleasant on mon and tues when I can. I usually work on Monday nights so I can't play then. I am on a team in Payson.. Brandt pretty much forced me to sign up ;)! That leauge is every wed night. So if they don't have enough girls I can go up there to play! And then there is intramurals!! It's every wed and thurs night.. So that kinda clashes with Payson.. UGH!! I'm so dumb! I should just learn to tell ppl no! I was originally just going to play in Payson but then a team in Mt. didn't have enough players one night and they asked me to be on their team so I of course said yes! I love it! What do ya expect???
also changed my major, I'm going into dental hygiene! So I'm also going to school and getting my pre req's taken care of.. which are, anatomy, microbiology, and pyschology! Those three classes make up 11 credits! I'm also taking bowling! :) So my life is crazy busy!! But I love it! I also met this kid here at school! What a hottie! But he is 2 years younger than me and I don't know how I feel about this yet! :S I kinda like him though ;) The next adventure in my life is an 18 hour drive to oklahoma! Mav is graduating from Basic and I'm going! I've been tellin him that I'm not though so he is gonna be surprised! Kaylyn is coming with us! :) I'm super excited!