Monday, February 8, 2010


Life is crazy... I feel like my heart is being torn between two people. But at the same time it's not. It's a really weird situation to be in. I never would've thought I would have these feelings, at least have them come to the surface. I think that I always knew they were there, but I didn't think that they would ever arise like this.. There's this boy. and then there's that boy. One boy gives me butterflies and I'm constantly happy when i talk to him, text him, see him, talk about him.. Anything to do with him puts me on a high. But then there is the other boy who I think, things could really work out with, who wouldn't want to be with their best friend? It seems like it could be the right decision, but the complete wrong decision at the exact same time. I don't know what to do.. Hide my feelings that I've been hiding for so long or let them out.? I think letting them out would just make a mess of things.. It's probably better to just leave them locked up. Espcially for boy ones sake. ugh. Dating. Uggghhh!