Wednesday, November 7, 2012

November 7th

Day 7: Today I am very thankful for the church. Last night the bishop came over to our house and I actually got a calling in the young women. How crazy. This is definitely something that I need in my life. I've been trying to get back into being active again. When I was in young women's I had the best time and it's when my testimony was the strongest. The bishop even said that if Cameron can become a priest and then an Elder we could go through the temple like 6 months or so after that. I know its a very long process and it probably wont be happening as soon as I want it to. But I have so much faith and hope that it will. I feel so blessed right now. I'm so very thankful for the gospel. 
Also last night was the presidential election and as much as I feel really sick about it. At least Obama will be out in 4 years and he wont be able to be put back in. All we can do is hope for the best! I did see this on facebook though and I loved it..

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