Saturday, June 27, 2009

here are my 8 that Brandt tagged me on...

Eight things I'm looking forward to:
1. Softball Tournament tomorrow!
2. Lake Powell
3. The weekend!!
4. Seeing Casey!!
5. Seeing Landon...
6. The 24th of July!!! (derby)
7. School, so I can live with my Roommates again!
8. SLEEP...

Eight things I did this weekend:
1. Played Softball..
2. Slept
3. Ate at Hooters
4. Saw Mav for the last time in awhile.. :(
5. Celebrated Fathers Day
6. Hungout with Brandt & Teresa
7. Saw Tara for the first time all summer
8. hung out with the WHOLE fam

Eight things I wish I could do:
1. Go
2. back
3. in
4. time or
5. way
6. forward
7. to the future
8. .....Time travel!

Eight shows that I watch:
1. House
2. Friends
3. One Tree Hill
4. Ace of Cakes
5. 24... starting
6. Hannah Montana
7. Challenge cooking channel
8. CMT!!!

Eight Places I'd like to travel:
2. Italy
3. Austrailia
4. Hawaii
5. New Zealand
6. Egypt
7. London
8. Paris

Eight people I tag:
1. Whitney
2. Kaylyn
3. Lacey Jo
4. Janelle
5. Camie
6. ....
7. I need more friends on
8. here......... :( I suck


Brandt Lovell said...

really? ireland? How awesome were you that you guys took 2nd place?!! jealousy!

Tonja said...

Yo Why is Texas not on your list ???